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Purchasing a Friesian?

So you're looking to buy a Friesian, one of the first steps in making an informed purchase of a Friesian horse is to understand the organization and rules of the KFPS Studbook.  The Koninklijke Vereniging ‘Het Friesch Paarden-Stamboek’ (KFPS) recognizes the Friesian Horse Association of North America (FHANA) as its sole representative on the North American and as such, FHANA facilitates the registration of KFPS horses. There are several levels in the KFPS studbook which allows one to differentiate between the registry and status/grade levels of horses in order to achieve the KFPS’s primary goal of preserving and improving the Friesian horse. Whether you're looking to show, breed, or just looking for your next companion, having an understanding of this system will help you make the best decision possible with your Friesian Horse purchase. 


For more details on the registry, click here.


Looking for history, general information, and breed characteristics? Click here.


Friesian Education and Links

Friesian Horse Association
of North America

FHANA is the only recognized North American representative of the KFPS.  The KFPS is the original Friesian studbook founded in 1879 in The Netherlands. The largest numbers of KFPS registered horses are in the Netherlands, Germany and North America. This site a great resource for all things Friesian!

Fenway Foundation

The Fenway Foundation for Friesian Horses is a not for profit corporation created to preserve and enhance the longevity and quality of life of Friesian horses by accruing pertinent equine, more specifically Friesian, information to educate the public and offering assistance regarding Friesian horses and their owners throughout North America.

Stamlines (motherlines)

Stam lines, or motherlines, should always be taken into consideration when choosing to breed your Friesian. Certain Stam Lines are much more desirable than others as they have high concentrates of producers and performers. When searching for performance and quality, it is important to choose not only a mare from a good Stam Line, but also to pick an Approved Stallion that is going to assist in giving the foal the best possible genetics for a road to success!

Phryso News

If you're looking for the latest industry news with KFPS on shows, events, recently approved stallions, and inspections? Head to the Phyrso website and check in on all things Friesian happening now!

North American Studbook Stallions

Looking for a stallion for your mare? Check out this link for a comprehensive list of current North American Studbook Stallions!

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